Our Loving Lord
what can we say to you?
who shaped and decreed the size of the earth
to whom angels and the morning star sing together your praise?
Seek out the thoughts of our hearts,
may their thanksgiving be pure and unblemished
search out our deepest praise
for all you have given us
in family and friends
in relationship in this church and community
in faith, though Christ Jesus
in knowing redemption through the cross
help us to live more and more aligned with the path Christ calls us on
thank you for trusting us to be your servants, and help us to fulfil this task to the best of our abilities
always trying to seek your way and not our own selfish desires
thank you for those who have trodden this Way before us
some know to us
all known to you
Lord God
as you created this world, and all that is in it
and know all which it needs, even before we do you still call us to pray for others and the world
we pray for all who suffer
loss of health, happiness, opportunities
snatched away by disease, poverty, war and violence
we think of those in our news and grieve at the world’s pain and brokenness
we pray for all those in power
locally, nationally, internationally
give them hearts and minds turned towards justice for the weak and the vulnerable
and a willingness to serve others, rather than their egos
and, our Loving Lord God
in a few moments of quiet, we bring before you the people, places and situations which are in our hearts and on our minds today
Lord God
Father, Son, Spirit
accept these prayers, spoken and written on our hearts
use them to your glory
through Christ Jesus we pray