Approach and confession prayer 7 January 2018

Life endowing God

source of light and love

creative worker through all the universe since the beginning of time

how awesome it is to come before you, gathered as your people, here, in this time, in this place

Gathered, before your presence, before your throne, in expectation, in wonder, in fear

in this place, made holy not by human hand or people’s endeavour, but holy in and through your very being living with us, in us and around us

May our praise, our prayers, our words and our actions be like sweet smelling incense, wafting up to heaven, where it will mingle with angels and saints, in the great chorus of worship in heaven and on earth

Leading Christ

we are called to follow you, follow you and you alone

yet, there are many times when we fail to put into that practice

we focus on short term goals, forgetting your plan is for all eternity

we find people to blame for our or other circumstances, but fail to take responsibility for how our actions also influence those circumstances

and, try as we might, there are times where we fail to place you at the centre of our lives

yet, Lord Jesus, through your love, your love shown in and through your death and resurrection, we are forgiven

Holy Spirit

empower us, in this time of worship, to truly accept the calling placed upon us

move within and around us, leading us, as individuals and as a congregation of your church

that your love, the love of the father, love of the son, love of the spirit, may be shown in our lives and actions

in and through Jesus Christ our Lord
