Praise the Lord
Worship God’s holy Name
Bring adoration before the throne of grace
take shelter
in God today
sing acclaim to the One
who brought forth mountains
who nurtures the tender vine
who is Creator, Redeemer, Sustainer
this is the God we know
revealed in Christ Jesus
whose name we gather in today
a name above all names
greatly is that name to be praised
as we praise your name
as we bring our prayers, our songs, ourselves
before you today
seeking more and more to know your will for us
individually and as church
remind us
we are delivered
set free
released from all which burdens us
our worries
our troubles
our sins
all of which we humbly confess
in a moment of quiet
God knows you
even before you were born
God knew you
loves you
and, in that love, forgives you
receive that forgiveness
straighten up
and praise God
today and always