The love of the Lord endures forever and ever
So let us give thanks to the Lord
for God is good
God’s mercies never ceasing
though we may wander through wastelands
we are guided
as the Israelites were guided through the wilderness to the promised land
God sustained them
fed them
turned their sorrow into dancing
for the love of the Lord endures forever and ever
and we give thanks to God
for God is good
God’s goodness is in the laugh of a child
in the smile of a stranger
in the voice of a friend
for the love of the Lord endures forever and ever
and we give thanks to God
for God is good
God’s goodness is in hungry children fed
refugees given safe passage
those without homes, given places to call their own
for the love of the Lord endures forever and ever
and we give thanks to God
God’s goodness is with those who sit alongside the dying
in those who fight for justice
in those who quietly offer acts of love to the world
for the love of the Lord endures forever and ever
and we give thanks to God
we bless and praise and thank you for your goodness
and pause
to offer our own prayers of thanks
of lament
of concern
for ourselves
for others
for your world
Lord Jesus Christ
we offer these prayers
in humility and trust
laying them at your feet
whether spoken
or we couldn’t find the words
for we know you hear then all
today and always