Holy, holy, holy Lord
God of power and might
we praise and bless you for the love which you have for each and every one of us
the love you show to us in so many, wonderful and amazing ways.
In the rivers and seas and lochs, filled with water, surrounded by lush vegetation
for new life, bursting forth all around us
for children, who experience love from their parents, the families and they open us all up to new things, as they take in the wonder of your creation for the first time.
Holy, holy, holy Lord
God of power and might
we thank you for the wider community, your world-wide church, the wider family of your love you invite us into. A family which stretches east and west, north and south
as part of your church, your family may we look out for and support those who are struggling with loss, with pain, with sorrow, whether among us gathered here, those who can no longer come to church or our brother and sisters in Christ scattered throughout the world.
Holy, holy, holy Lord
God of power and might
despite your power, despite your might, despite you being in control, we look around our neighbourhoods, our country, our world and wonder, where are you?
Where are you when so many parents throughout the world cannot afford to send their children to school.
Where are you as an increasing queue of people turn up at foodbanks?
Where are you when earthquakes, floods and droughts cause untold suffering?
We do not understand, but trust in your unfailing love that, in all things, your are present upholding and supporting all your children through your spirit of truth and love.
Empower us, in all we do, say, are to be your love in the world and to constantly pray that your world is being made new in and through your great, unending, love