Lord God
the knowledge of you, is so hard for us to know
to explain
we struggle to offer expressions which truly, fully describe you and all you have done for the universe
the universe you created and love
the universe you care for and call us to care for too
our images, our descriptions of you are partial
almost childlike in their simplicity
for we are your children,
your loved, precious, beloved children
so we come, without great descriptions of who you are
but in love before you now
for it is impossible to respond to you except in love
for you know our innermost thoughts
our deepest desires
our greatest fears
and we are blessed to know you understand us as no other does
we are blessed that in response to you love
as can come before you now
in worship and praise
before you, trusting in your never ending goodness
confident that our words don’t have to be prefect or fancy
for you see what is written in our hearts
our love, which you long for most
Forgiving Lord
in humbleness, we confess there are times we have failed to love you and love others
we have spoken without through for another’s feelings
we have gossiped about others
we have tried to hide from the things we have done wrong and, in so doing, tried to hide from you
yet you know us, you know each one of our days and you love us so much we are forgiven, now and always in and through Jesus Christ our Lord