Before we were born
Lord God
you knew us
you put us together in our mother’s wombs
and marked our days in your book of life
this is wonderful knowledge
which we cannot thank you enough for
that we are important enough, in your sight, for you
Lord God to list us all individually
No matter where we’ve gone
no matter where we’ll be
you are with us
thank you
In the sure and certain knowledge you guide us
and are with us all the day of our lives
give us the courage to be like Philip
to tell other “Come and see”
Come and See Jesus
to everyone we know how precious they are to you Lord God
that they are loved, valued, important
in your sight
simply for being human
made in your image
created good
Help us to point to the good in each person
even those we struggle with the most
those who are abrasive, intolerant
those who would disdain our faith
those who abuse with words or violence
those who use power to punish rather than serve
All seeing King
you see a world made good
but there is such waste
waste of opportunities
waste of resources
waste of life
teach us to use the opportunities you give us well
the resources we have generously
our lives to your honour and glory
for all we do is not done in isolation
but with others
in the great pattern of life you knit for all humanity
As you know all people, our God
you know there are those who feel useless as they are dependant on others
reassure them they are loved for who they are, not what they can do
help us to include those who feel like this, whether though mental health problems, age or illness
grant them peace
and grant to us the willingness to be with them
and love them, as you love them
We pray, when we do this, they will come and see you shining though us
come and see they are precious in your eyes, Lord God
come and see they are loved beyond their wildest imagining