Thanksgiving and intercession 14 February 2016

Time giving Father

It was from you all ages were set in motion

yet your deepest longing was to send time with us, your people, surrounded by your wonderful creation

We praise and thank you for simply wishing us to spend time with you, as a loving Father of his children

We think of parents, and fathers in particular, who cannot spend time with their children, through separation or through working away from home or long hours to provide for their families

Grant them peace and release them from any guilt they may feel,

that when they do spend time with their children, they are freed to enjoy one another’s company

and enable us, neighbours, friends, relatives of hard working Dads and Mums to free them up to be with their families unburdened with other responsibilities

Sustaining Lord

Through 40 days you nurtured your Son, Jesus Christ

Like us, he endured hunger, loneliness and temptation

It is a blessing to us to know he experienced these too. He understands how hard it is to resist the pressures of the world

but the pressures of the world are, for many, so hard to resist.

Newspaper columns criticising women for not dressing well, not wearing make up, not being a perfect size.

Magazine covers depict perfectly toned bodies, which young men feel they should aspire to 6 packs

a culture where people are defined by what they do rather than who they are

It is so hard to break free of the world, for many of your people, Lord God.

Grant to them resolve to be confident in who they are

and courage to deviate from the expectations of society

And may we, in all the ways we can, as your church together revolve to show the world a different way of living, where all are valued for who they are, loved unconditionally and nurtured to become the individuals you long for them to be

Christ our King

we pray for your church, scattered across denominations, traditions, theologies. It’s so easy to think we’re right and they are wrong. Remind us all which unites us and assist us to work with your brothers and sisters, to your glory and honour, so the whole whole may know your redemption
