Thanksgiving and intercession prayer 12 April 2020

King of kings

Lord of lords


is Jesus Christ

who through his triumph over death

showed the gates of heaven were open to the whole world

the power of death was overcome

through the power of the resurrection

for Christ is risen

He is risen indeed

Risen One

we thank you for your life,

all you taught,

all you showed the world,

your death on the cross,

your burial in a borrowed tomb

your splendid resurrection

these we proclaim this day

in our homes

in new and unusual ways

and we thank you this is still possible in new ways

we thank you this helps us celebrate this day

and feel connected to the church, the Body of Christ, throughout the world


In the midst of recalling the joy of the resurrection once more, this year, it is tinged with sadness

we cannot be with our extended families

may they feel our love, even from afar

we cannot go out for meals

may the staff in restaurants, cafes and pubs know their worth as human beings

may their families be cared for

may they have enough to live on until this is all over


Life Giving One

through you showed the power of death is overcome

that brings little reassurance to those in hospitals suffering from Coronavirus and other life-threatening illnesses, or their families, who cannot visit or hold their hands

surround them with your love

through the nurses, doctors and all hospital staff who they will encounter

we recall the bereaved, for whom this is a much harder situation than normal.

They cannot hug their loved ones, or sit holding their hand during the service

they may not be even able to go to the funeral

oh, what heartache

oh, what pain

may your love be shown through funeral directors and those who lead funeral services

and be with those who support the bereaved, as they work through new and difficult ways to help


Resurrected One

There are many places, people and situations lying heavy on our hearts this day, which we struggle for words to express

in a minute of quiet, we offer them to you


Lord Jesus Christ

hear these our prayers, spoken and unspoken, offered through you, God the Father and the Holy Spirit, One God now and always
