Glory to God on high
give glory to God for he is good
is goodness endures forever
his mercy flows from his throne
as streams of water flowing across the parched land
his justice is like refreshing pools
that brings revival to the deadest of places
Give glory to God for he is good
his love extends from highest heaven to the deepest depths
for all, on heaven and on earth at at his command
the wind and waves obey him
the mountains and hill were shaped by him
nothing, nothing in all of creation is beyond God
for God is good
his mercy, justice and love endure forever
May we call on the name of the Lord this hour
call on the name of the Lord in reverence and fear
in boldness and confidence that all who call on the name of the Lord will be saved
in the boldness and confidence that, though we do not deserve to approach the throne of grace
for we have sinned in thought, word and deed,
against God and against neighbour
through ignorance, in weakness, through our own deliberate actions
we are truly sorry and turn humbly from our sins
Lord God, in your great mercy and love
you sent Jesus Christ to lead us from the darkness of sin to walk in the light as your precious children
ones who call on the name of the Lord, for our salvation
May the Holy Spirit come upon us this hour, to guide our thoughts and minds
to soften our hearts
as we come in worship this day
to hear your word, to sing your praises
to offer our prayers
that we may be transformed to be the people who cast off doubts and follow when Jesus Christ our Lord says “Come”