Apporoach and confession prayer 20 October 2024

Clothed in splendour is the Lord

with robes which fill the temple

and feet like shining gold

wonder and amazement it is to imagine the wonder of God

God whom we come to worship today

who wraps Godself with light

and for whom the heavens are stretched as a tent for God

and the clouds are God’s chariot

there’s nothing, nothing in all of creation

which is not known by God

not created and shaped by God’s mighty hand

so who are we that we can come to this place, this time

to offer all we have to the One whose ways we cannot grasp

we cannot grasp the plan God has for us and the universe

we cannot understand the full depths of God’s love

we cannot comprehend the expanse of what God has done for us and the whole of God’s creation

so who are we to be able to come before the living One?

We who ask so much of God

and often misunderstand what we asking for

we who selfishly seek that which is good for self,

but at odds with the Divine plan

Lord God, where we have erred

forgive us

through Christ Jesus

cleanse and renew us

put us right with you

and help us to trust in the plan for the redemption of creation

which is too much for us to understand

accept our prayers, this day

and all our worship

may our hearts’ desires be true and pure

all this we pray in and through Jesus’ holy name
