Lord, dazzling brighter than the sun
praise and honour are yours and yours alone
we bless you for revealing all you are through your son, Jesus Christ
and for taking us to the high hills so we may experience your unfailing goodness
to us an to all of creation
From the lofty mountain, you invite us to look down into the valleys and see the towns and countryside, the roads and fields, the forests and the industry
from up there, it is all beautiful, working in harmony and quite an astonishing sight to see
we thank you for all of this, which makes this place in which we live so alluring
But as we head down the mountain, back to the valleys, we see the harmony it has from a distance is no longer present
the farmer struggles to plough water logged fields
the parent looks at the prices in the shops and despairs how they will ever feed their children
the widow feels a sense of loneliness and isolation as they come to terms with their loss
the tradesman sees costs rising, and wonders if it is worth keeping his business going
Lord, no words can adequately express how much we struggle to understand how this can happen in our country, which is so well off, financially and with natural resources
Guide our politicians and policy makers throughout this land to make just and fair decisions which benefit the whole of society and not, as it seems, to the benefit of the few
Father God
you blessed us with your son, who is our saviour, redeemer and friend.
Thank you for this gift.
May we listen to us voice, calling to us, guiding us and giving us an encouraging shove now and again too
for you care for us deeply and send us out into the world to radiate your goodness to all whom we encounter.
Lord, may we look across the world and view the world as you do, very good.
This is our blessing, that we are part of your glorious creation
Yet your creation is scared by human greed and neglect.
Hills and valleys are laid to waste
people all over the world face violence, hunger, sickness, loss through no fault of their own
and we cry to you, why, Lord God, why?
And in the quiet of this moment, we add to this prayer the prayers of our hearts, which cannot be put into words, knowing you share our pain and hear our prayers through your son, Amen