Banqueting King
the great banquets of the bible are places where all are invited to eat and drink without cost
no matter who they are
no matter what they had done
there is unity
there is joy
there is abundance
there is love
in that image
is that why the first sign was at a wedding
a feast where all in the community were invited
a feast where everyone enjoyed themselves so much they ran out of wine?
There, wedding guest
our Banqueting King
you heard the plea of your mother
and gave the best
the very best of wine
in astonishing abundance
what a sign that was
a sign of what the kingdom of God is like
where there is a great feast where all are welcome to eat and drink
a place where pleas for help are heard
Here, today, we bring you our pleas
for those racked with hunger
for those in pain
for those who commit acts of terror
for those who govern
for our neighbours
for our families
for our friends
for our health
for our nation
for the world
we offer all these situations simply before you
in faith and trust that those affected and those who can help will listen to you
as the servants at the wedding feast did
All this we pray in and through Jesus Christ