God the Father
we are so grateful you love us so much
you sent
your Son to us
God the Son
we thank you for coming and living with us
in trusting Mary and Joseph to hold and care for God in their hands
we thank you for time with those we love
for presents shared
cards received
food we’ll eat
may all our celebrations this Christmas be filled with the deep joy of knowing love beyond all measure
Immeasurable Love
we thank you for love
for family and friends
our siblings in Christ Jesus
communities working together for the greater good
we thank you for support teachers, who worked hard behind the scenes to ensure the poorest pupils in their schools got something for Christmas this year
we thank you for the volunteers who will cook hot meals for people who are homeless throughout our land this Christmas
we thank you for gritter drivers, making sure our roads are clear and safe for us, and our loved ones, to travel on
we thank you for care workers, celebrating Christmas with those in care homes
we thank you for firefighters, ambulance personnel, hospital staff, police officers
and many more who’ll work through Christmas
for the immeasurable gift which has been given to us
and the whole world
which is Jesus
thank you, God
Father, Son, Spirit
thank you