O Most High God
we give you our thanks for all your good deeds
which you have done in creation, in the world, in our lives, in the lives in those around us.
Our hearts are filled with gladness, that words do not seem adequate, for they limit our gratitude.
So, we pause to meditate on all your glorious gifts
in creation
in the bounty of our country
in the blessing of friends and family
in your love shown to us through Jesus Christ
Ruling Lord
you sit enthroned as king of the universe
listening to the petitions of your people
judging with fairness, mercy and love
hear us now, as we offer our prayers for others and the world
those who are ill, are worried, and filled with sadness
Those who work for peace, in places where peace seems impossible
upholders of the law in this country and beyond.
parents and grandparents, and all who look after children during the school holidays
those who work in foodbanks, seeing an ever rising demand
managers and bosses, that they will be good and fair employers
and all those who strive to make your kingdom known throughout your world
[silence] Amen