Gardening God
the wonder of your world is all around us
we see the beginnings of new life busting forth in your world
the buds on the trees, warmed by the sun, beginning to open
the birds singing your praises and to one another, as they start to nest
the snowdrops offer a splash of wonder, showing once again winter is ending
we never cease to be amazed at the way the plants and animals know when to burst into new life
triggered by the lengthening days
in a pattern of life you wove into creation
there is a richness and intricate pattern, which you have invited us to be part of
but though we plant and sow and plough, we do not ripen the fruit, we do not grow the grain, we do not produce the potato
we are merely servants in your garden, the garden of your creation
and we bow in awe that we are invited to be part of growing your kingdom, and growing provision for your people
we bow in awe that all would be in vain without your gardening and farming skills
we bow in awe that you wish us to seek you always
and this hour, in worship, in prayer, in song and word, this is our deepest desire, to listen to your invitation to your banquet, where out thirst and hunger for you will be satisfied
but our Heavenly King
your call to the thirsty and hungry is not just for us, is it?
Your call is for all the peoples to be filled with your goodness
yet we can be guilty of setting limits on who can be part of your kingdom
or we forget your banquet is a rich feast for all
not just the leftover scraps, or the supermarket basics which fill the stomach but offer little pleasure
or we assume people’s circumstances are your blessing for their faithfulness or your curse for their sinfulness
Christ our Lord
this was not the kingdom you revealed
it was not the path of discipleship you taught
so come, through your holy spirit to guide and show us change our hearts and minds towards you and you alone
and may we know, once more, your ways are not our ways and that through your self giving love
we are forgiven, we are pardoned and set free to follow the path you taught us
Now and always