Holy God
Perfect God
Almighty God
with confidence we come before you this day
approaching directly the throne of grace
to worship you
to bring our selves to you in prayer and petition
to encounter your greatness in the Word we will hear from scripture
may our adoration be inspired by the Holy Spirit
that we may truly magnify your Holy Name now and all the days of our lives
for all good thing in our lives are from you
faith in the living Christ Jesus
hope for your kingdom to come
love, unconditional love, you offer each and every one of us
we delight in your Lord God
we delight to know you
to praise you
to give ourselves to you
may our tongues rejoice this day, ever telling of the wondrous things of God
may they burst forth, joyfully telling all of the love we have for God
who in Christ, gives us a great High Priest
who offers to cleanse our guilty consciences and wash our bodies in pure water
In a moment of quiet, let us offer before God all the times this week we have fallen short of God’s glory
Once again, that all you sins, all you wrongdoings are taken away
you are God’s in Christ
called to love God and love others
with all
as Christ Jesus showed and taught