This prayer included long pauses between each sentence, to allow the congregation to reflect, in their own ways, on the themes and images they brought to mind. When I used this, I told the congregation not to worry if they felt they were wandering off topic, but to allow themselves to be guided by the Holy Spirit.
All embracing God
embrace us with your love, that we may be filled to overflowing
teach us to reflect your image in your church, that it becomes a place where all are included
show us how to live lives grounded in Christ as our Lord, that we may share the good news of God’s love
Christ our Lord
remind us of our baptisms, the sign and seal of the grace and love of God
unite us in love with all your people, all God’s children
give us the right words at the right time to speak of all you have done for the world
Enabling Spirit
stir us to action, move us to speak, shift us to work for the kingdom of God
show us those who are voiceless, that we can speak up for
show us the helpless, we can give help to
show us the lost, with your help we can find
Almighty God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit
together, one in relationship, make us one with you and with each other.