All the earth sing to God
shout for joy
sing glorious praises of God’s name
for the God’s deeds are awesome
great and power and majesty
more wonderful than we can truly comprehend
so amazing, we can never repay all you, Lord God have done for us
and all the earth
so let all the earth sing to God
shout for joy
today and and forevermore
bring praises
bow down before the King of kings and Lord of lords
who is with us in our worship together
through the power of the Holy Spirit
speaking to us through our song,
through our prayers
through our meditation on God’s Holy Word
speaking to us through Jesus
the very reason for our coming here today
may our worship be an acceptable sacrifice of praise today
wafting to the highest heaven
as a pleasing fragrance for the Lord
blending with the praise of the whole earth
in a never ending hymn of praise
at the throne of the One
who tests us
refines us
makes us holy
through Christ Jesus
but we know we’re far from holy
we disown him, in failing to follow his commands
to love God and love others
as we should
we disown him, in all the ways we sin against the Lord
in thought and word and deed
in the things we’ve done
and the things we’ve failed to do
humbly, we seek forgiveness
even in our faithlessness
Christ is faithful
he remains in us
as we remain in him
may you know, afresh today
the forgiveness he offers
and in that forgiveness
become a worker in God’s kingdom