Praise be to the Lord
the Almighty, the King of Creation
Praise be to the Lord
in whom, through whom, with whom
all on heaven and earth
all in the world as it is
all in the world as it will be
has its source
its life
its essence
The mighty wonders of the world are at the Lord’s command
as are the small things
there is nothing, nothing, in all of creation, which is not part of God’s good creation
Lord God
we have looked around in wonder these past weeks
as the bare earth becomes lush and green
as the denuded trees revel in their crown of leaves
as we are lifted in our spirits by the warmth of the sun
These are some, just some, of the reasons we come in reverence to worship you this hour
to bow in your house, at your feet
knowing as the sun in the sky lifts our spirits
your Son lifts us from your feet
embraces us in his love
and grants to us, once more, the comfort of knowing the forgiveness we have through him
Lord God
Open our eyes to see our truth
the truth of sin forgiven
our sin
our neighbour’s sin
our enemy’s sin
open our hearts to welcome that truth
into our lives
and to forgive others as we have been forgiven
that in so doing, we may bring you glory, honour and praise
in our prayers, our hymns, our meditation on your word
this hour, this day and all the day of our lives