Creator of the Universe
the time is drawing near
nearer and nearer
for us to celebrate
God with us
though near, it’s far away
filled with hope and fear
blended together
joy and sorrow
mingled closely
is that how Mary felt, as she accepted your call on her life?
Hope – that you were coming, to fulfil the dreams of her song
fear – at what would become of her relationship with Joseph
joy – at what the Mighty One has done for her
sorrow – that plans she had were in tatters
Creator of the Universe
we come, with all the hopes and fears
of this and every year
knowing they are met in you
God with us
as we gather
surround us with the presence of the Spirit
assist us to hear anew the old, old story
fill our hearts with praise
accept the worship we offer
though it may be in a minor key
a blend of joy and sorrow, hope and fear
may Mary’s story and song inspire us
and remind us
of your mercy, extending from generation to generation who love you
in promises made to Abraham and his descendants forever
God of Mary
we are your humble servants
in humility, we pause to confess our sins
in the things we have said
and failed to say
in the things we have done
and failed to do
do not turn you face from us
send your forgiveness anew to us
that we may truly worship you this, and everyday, through Christ Jesus we pray