Eternal Father
Robed in splendour
the earth is your footstool
the heavens your dominion
glory and honour and praise belong to you and you alone
in awe and wonder
we come
bowing before your throne of grace
with hearts open to know you more
with minds open to receive greater knowledge of your love
for us
and all human kind
may we listen to your voice
truly hear your Word to us
that Word enfleshed in Christ Jesus
through whom we have been set free
from our captive lives
lives of anger and bitterness
lives of pain and hurt
lives of shame and remorse
through the power of his forgiving love
once again this day
in the company of our siblings in Christ
we pause to confess our sins before God
Christ Jesus assures us
he came to set the prisoner and captive free
may you know you are forgiven of the sins which hold you captive
freed from all wrongdoing
may the power of the Holy Spirit rest upon you today
bringing healing, comfort, grace and love
as we worship
God, Father, Son, Spirit