Thanksgiving and intercession prayer 13 August 2023

Loving Lord God

we praise and thank you for

your marvellous deeds

the wonderful acts you have performed

constantly with your people

no matter what

always keeping your promises to them

from Abraham, Isaac and Jacob


and to us

thank you for all that support in our lives

help us to know and feel you with us

even when we go through things which make us feel you are no longer carrying us

those times where we’re trapped in a pit

those times where is seems those closest to us

want to cause us harm

thank you for sustaining us in those times

and help us to sustain others in their pits of despair and hopelessness in all the ways we can

Lord of all Hopefulness

we offer our devotion

for the hope we have in Christ Jesus

do not let us be put to shame

for he is our rock and foundation

in him we are saved

what a gift this is

a gift too much, too generous, for us to ever fully understand or repay

accept our humble thanks for this most precious of gifts you have bestowed on us

Gift Bearing Christ

grant to us the gifts you need

to be those who bring good news to those who deeply desire it

those struggling with complex family demands

those unable to seek peace, due to fear and mistrust

those wracked by pain, in body, mind or soul

those who stand alone to counteract injustice and violence in their homes, communities and families

Lord, in your mercy

hear our prayer

offered in and through our faith and trust in Christ Jesus
