Approach and confession 8 February 2015

Everlasting God

creator of the heavens, present before the beginning of time, above and beyond our imaginations

even the stars were called forth and named, one by one, by you.

If even stars are named by you, our God, how much more important are us, whose names written on your hands?

How much more important are we, oh, God? That you call us to you, call us to worship you, call us to love you with all of hearts and minds and strength

today, we gather beneath the throne of grace. The throne which we may feel unable to approach, as upon it sits the holy one, Christ our lord.

The holy one, through whom we can approach God, through whom we are cleansed with hyssop and made holy to come before his throne of grace.

And we come, in the knowledge we are made clean, to hear God’s word, to sing God’s praises, to offer our heartfelt pleas and petitions, thanksgiving and adoration for all our God, our Lord has done for us, in the past, in the present and in the future

assist us, Empowering God, through the power of your holy spirit to truly worship you in this time together, as your family in this place.

May we be refreshed, re-energised, encouraged that when our worship together has ended, our worship and service in the world may begin

that we may continue the task you have set for us. A task which can seem daunting, can seem to much for us, we struggle to fathom our small part in your plan, we grow weary, we grow weak, we stumble on the narrow paths you set us on.

We forget to place our whole trust in you, in your way, in your love

we forget our hope comes from you, our God, our Lord

we rely on doing things under our own strength, our own will, according to our own plan

and when we do, we fail

forgive us, father, for all the times we have stumbled or fallen from your path.

Lift us up once more, dust us down and carry us until we can walk again. And gently remind us, in your son, Jesus Christ, you walk beside and before us all the days of our lives, wherever we are, whatever we may do, when we do it in your name, the name above all names, Jesus Christ, our Lord
