Communion 24 November 2024

The Lord is King

this is his banquet

spread before us

a banquet where all are welcomed

all are invited

to share the heavenly feast

so come,

receive what Christ offers

as his table

from his throne this day


Christ the King

Christ our King

what joy we have that we gather at your table

a table you first shared with the twelve in an upstairs room

the night before your enthronement

thank you for your invitation to taste and see you are good

to be filled by this communion which sustains and heals us

that connects us to those on heaven and on earth who worship and adore you

thank you for revealing the depths of God’s love

in your enthronement

so there’s nothing which can separate us from that love

may the Holy Spirit descend on this wine, fruit of the vine, made by human hands, made your blood shed for us

may the Holy Spirit descend on this bread, harvest of the field, shaped by human hands, made your body broken for us

may the Holy Spirit descend on us, your people gathered here

that we may become your body in the world


[share communion]

As Christ the King offered peace to his disciples after his enthronement, may we share the peace with one another

[sharing of peace]


Christ Jesus

King enthroned on the cross

on the right hand of the Father

and in our hearts

thank you for this feast

this sharing

this filling

may it sustain us in our journey with you
