We sing to the Lord
Sing praises to God
for God is highly exalted
for God is our God
and the God of those who have gathered before us
from generation to generation
worthy of praise and adoration
for all God has done
on heaven and on earth
always keeping promises made to God’s people
the covenants made with Noah and Abraham
the covenant fulfilled and made new in Jesus
rescuing God’s people from the flood
leading God’s people from slavery to freedom
from death to life
from hate to love
Loving God
incline your presence towards us this day
make yourself known through our worship and the power of the Spirit sweeping in and through us
as you lead your people across the Red sea
revealing all you are, your power, might and righteousness
lead us, we pray
guide us on our journey of faith in the Son, Christ Jesus
make your power and might and righteousness known to us again today
as we offer our prayers, sing our hymns, hear your Word
as we lay all which gets in the way of our true worship and devotion at your feet
our slavery to the patterns of the world, rather than freedom in Christ
our death in sin and decay, rather than the life we have received through Christ
our hate for those who are different from us, rather than loving them as you love us
for these, and all the many ways we sin against you, Lord God
we repent
and submit to your authority
seeking your pardon and grace
May you know the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit
enter your hearts today
to bring the healing, wholeness of forgiveness, freedom and life
Christ Jesus offers you
today and always