Lord God
Honour and glory are yours and yours alone
How can we even begin to thank you for all you are?
All you have done for us, for the world?
It seems too wonderful for us to declare
too much for us to cover in a simple prayer, formed by our inadequate human words
but in your mercy, your hear our heartfelt prayers
so we offer you that which we can
thanks for food we can share with others
thanks for fellowship shared here
may our sharing of food extend beyond those we know well, that all may be filled at the feast you prepare for the world
may our giving of food to help those struggling to feed their families be generous, that there may truly be no cost, that there is more than enough to go round all in our community who need something to eat.
Christ Jesus
We thank you for inviting us, as your disciples, to take what we have and use it in your service
Show us how we can use what we have to your honour and glory, that all are fed
fed physically, spiritually, emotionally
We recall before you, Heavenly King
those who are known to us who long to be fed
those whose stomachs are empty, as they struggle to make ends meet
those who never eat with another, as they are housebound. lonely
those who feel no one would wish to eat with them, for they are ex-offenders
those who feel so unvaluable, they do not think they are worthy to eat with others
Lord God
May they know, through your Holy Spirit they are worthy to sit at your table, they are important to you
and may we be the people, as your disciples, who take that which we can give, food, time, a listening ear, to be with those who the world overlooks
that they may know your promise is true
that they may eat the best of food
that they may be filled with your peace
that they may be blessed with your love
Holy Spirit
Guide us to reach out in love so that those who cry and weep,
those who sorrow and mourn
may be comforted, healed, restored
though the abundance of God flowing from us