Lord God almighty
how much do we forget you are our father and our mother
you birthed us, you provide for us, you care for our every needs,
you long, so deeply, to gather all your children in your arms
we are blessed to know this is what you wish to do for us, despite everything, to hold us, to show us your forgiveness, to love us
Oh, Lord, we pray for all the people known and unknown to us who cannot grasp the idea you are a nurturing God, always desiring to gather your children under the protection of your wings
it saddens us to think many people throughout your world do not this of you
may we, in this place, in the communities we know, offer a better view of your care and concern in the ways we can
our smiles, our patience, our very presence
that through your holy spirit’s guidance they may, in time, be willing to be held by their loving mother.
Mothering God
we bless you for our children and grandchildren, nieces and nephews, godchildren
they are a joy and a treasure to us
assist us to care for them in all the ways we can, and to spend time with them, so they know love
We recall before you those who find it difficult to relate to children.
They don’t know what to say, they worry their actions may be misjudged, they did not have a good childhood themselves
Grant them peace and knowledge to know children are people too, who long to be listened to, valued, included
and guide us to include all your children, young and old, in the things we do as a church community, so in the fellowship they may be embraced
Grieving Lord
we know you weep when your children are in pain, in sorrow, in despair
and we bring before you this day all who mourn, whether for those who died long ago, or for children lost so young, so soon
comfort them, Lord God.
Gather them in your arms and allow them to cry on your shoulder
and grant to us the grace and wisdom to bring comfort where there seems little
Christ Jesus, through whom God’s covenant was shown to the world, these are our prayer, spoken and written on our hearts.