Praise God
All you people
Praise God
in your houses and flats
in your bungalow and tenement
in your gardens and walks
on your crofts and farms
Praise God
all you people
for great is God and worthy of all our praise
wherever we are and whatever we do
let us praise God
the maker and shaper and creator of life
in all its colour and majesty
from the fragility of cherry blossom to the grandeur of the snowy mountain top
from the baby, taking its first breath of air
to the elder person breathing their last
all are know
all are loved
all are held in the care of that creating Love
Loving One
hold us this day
remind us you will not let our feet slip
that you will lead us through this barren land
to a place of abundance
a place of blessing for us
and all the world
Christ Jesus
may we feel the Spirit’s presence with us this day
enfolding us in love
inspiring us to love
challenging us to be love
we know there are times when we have failed in our call to love you and love neighbour as self
we’ve travelled unnecessarily
we’ve been inpatient with those closest to us
we’ve tried to fill our time, rather than resting in you
for these, and a thousand other ways we’ve not followed your will, we are truly and humbly sorry
may we know your redeeming, forgiving love
made known in Christ Jesus