Opening prayer 12 March 2017

Lord God Almighty

we look to the mountains and see your splendour

we look to the valleys and view your glory

we look to the fields and survey your wonder

how marvellous

how awesome are your works

Lord God

you who are Father of all who have believed

you who are maker of all created things

the righteous Judge of judges

the almighty King of kings

the one at whose feet we fall to our knees, in reverence and fear

for you are too magnificent to know completely

yet as we offer our prayers and praise

as we meditate on your Holy Word

we find you come beside us

lift us from knees

and bless us

through your Holy Spirit

who enriches our worship and our service


Christ our King

you taught that all who believe in you will have eternal life

and we are ashamed of the times your church has used this as a barrier to your kingdom

we are ashamed we have not blessed those we meet on the golf course, at work, at the school gate, while on holiday

because we are too embarrassed to speak of our love for you

we are ashamed we have not trusted in you when the path you call us to follow seems to steep

we are ashamed we have not lived as those shaped and moved by you Holy Spirit

to be a blessing to all the nations


Christ, in your mercy, forgive our foolish ways

cleanse our hearts, minds and souls of all which does not honour you, all that does not bring blessings into your world

set us free from the burden of sin and call us back to your path of mercy, goodness, grace and love for the whole world
