Lord of Light
we come
we come to gather in your light
your presence
your love
to feel that warmth
radiating from you
illuminating our hearts, bodies, souls
banishing the fear of the dark
in the hope we have in you
our Light Bearing One
Brightest and Best of the Morning
May your luminous presence imbue our worship
with its brilliance
that our prayers,
our reflection on Your Word
our hymns of praise
may be full of to glory and honour
where the things we have said or not said
where the things we have done or not done
have failed to glorify you
Light Bearing One
forgive us
remember your great mercy and love
do not recall our sins
remind us you are faithful to your covenant of love
revealed through the One who is The Light in the Darkness
Christ Jesus
whose light, we pray, may drive out all darkness
we hold within
and fill us with the hope we long for