Sing to God
song of worship
in voice
in body
in mind
in soul
Sing praises to God
for the Lord’s deeds are marvellous
rejoice in the One
who made heaven and earth
dance and be merry
at the throne of grace
with hearts filled with gladness
joy and wonder
for even if only 2 were gathered
in person
or across the internet
Jesus is here
with us
blessing us
accepting our worship
offered with sincere and contrite hearts
as his church
his holy people
whom he loves
whom he cares for
whom he adores
as we offer our praise this day
our Lord and King
we pause to repent
and seek your forgiveness
for we know we have sinned against one another
in criticising, rather than encouraging
in talking behind another’s back, rather than speaking to them in love
in putting our own thought and needs and opinions before those of others
for these, and the many other ways we have failed, we are truly sorry and seek your blessing and mercy, Christ Jesus
may we know the forgiveness Christ offers
that renewed and cleansed
we can follow where he leads