God of David
of Abraham, Isaac, Noah
Maker of a covenant of love with them, made and renewed through Jesus Christ our Lord
we bless and praise you for this covenant, this promise.
That you are our God and we are your people.
We bless and praise you you have and will never leave us, will never abandon us, and will carry us when we cannot carry ourselves.
Assist us to trust this promise and, through your Holy Spirit, guide us to carry those struggling with life, in our families, among our friends, in our community.
Powerful and mighty Lord
praise and thanks we bring that in our weakness, be it in body, mind, faith, you gentle hold us in your strong arms and comfort us.
You send us people to support us, to help us, to comfort us.
We are so blessed we have this aid in our times of worry, sadness, anxiety.
But let us not forget to bring comfort and companionship through the giving of our very selves in your service to this church, this community, your world.
That all who are sad, all who are lonely, all who are mournful will know your love, your comfort, your strength through our actions
Christ our Lord, Word of life
praise and honour and blessings we offer for the gifts you came to bring in your life on earth
the gift of life, in fullness
the gift of love, from God the Father, son and Holy Spirit, freely and generously given to all
the gift of freedom, from guilt that we may live as God intended
Thank you. Thank you.
In our world of greed and selfishness, many cannot live full lives.
They struggle with debt
they cannot access clean water
their harvests fail
the weak are neglected and the strong protected.
Help us to speak out, to stand up with and beside all, wherever they may be, who are on the margins of society.
That, in so doing, they may come to know the joy and pleasure of life in all its fullness and the love of God, which is beyond all human understanding