What can we bring?
What can we offer, to the Lord God, King of creation
from whom and through whom all things were made?
The Lord God who is our refuge, the one on whom we may place all our trust and hope
This is what we can offer, mouths which declare his praises
Spirits open to his guidance and leading
hearts, on which his law of love are written
We offer bring this day our hearts, our mouths, our spirits. Our very beings in reverence and praise to you, Lord God
Knowing, though they are our limited response to all you are
you are pleased to hear our worship, as a parent is pleased to see their child’s art work.
It may not be perfectly crafted, it may be limited in its reach, but in it may you receive what you desire from us most of all.
Our deep devotion and love.
Lord God
lead us, as you led your son into the wilderness
lead us away from the distractions of the world, to focus our full attention, our very beings on you and you alone
but there is so much which distracts us from trusting completely in you, and you alone, Lord God
we can be impatient, unwilling to wait for your timing or strength or guidance and try do achieve things in our own strength alone
we seek the acclaim of the world, rather than the glories you reveal through us
we bargain with you, putting you to the test
We are truly sorry and are reassured of your pardon through Jesus Christ our Lord, who was tempted in the wilderness and who taught us to pray together saying: