Approach and confession prayer 25 June 2023

There’s is none like you, Lord God

your deeds are incomparable

in your great love

speaking the whole of creation into existence

that it may know you

and reflect a little of your glory

in the fragility of a butterflies wing

or the seeming impermeability of high mountain ranges

there is none like you, Lord God

former of all the nations of the earth

each individual made in your image

each person reflecting an aspect of who you are into the world

each human loved unconditionally by you

what wonder it is to know this

that we know this, through your being with us

in Christ Jesus

your presence with us

through the Holy Spirit

in awe and wonder we bow at your throne of grace

in worship today

may all we offer

all we lay before you

waft to heaven as beautiful fragrance

blending our adoration with the saints and angels

in the never ending hymn of praise

to your honour and glory

now and always

there is none like you, Lord God

your promises are true, always fulfilled


we acknowledge, before your throne of grace,

we often fail to keep our promises

to you and to one another

we fail to uphold the vows taken in your presence

we fail to truly die with Christ, that we may live with him also

for these, and all the ways we fail

we sin before you

individually and collectively

we repent

we repent and seek forgiveness

May you know the forgiveness God revealed

in Christ’s death

in that forgiveness

seek to live on the true path

of righteousness

for his name’s sake
