Hosanna, Praise be to you Lord God
King and ruler of the universe
Maker and shaper of the cosmos
Father and lover of creation
our hearts shout with joy at their knowledge of you
our souls sing with elation at their awareness of you
our minds open with wonder at their insight into all you are
Before, during and after everything
you are there
Words cannot fully express the ecstasy we have of knowing you as our Lord, so we pause in quiet adoration in reverence before your throne this hour
Heavenly King
though all was made in and through you, as Father, son and holy spirit
you came to us not as an earthly king would
but humbly on a donkey, riding in peace and love
ride again, into our hearts and minds and souls
show us in our worship together,
our shared songs, our hearing your word anew, our prayers
the path of love, of peace, of discipleship
that when the darkness and pain of Good Friday are upon us
we will not flee, we will not abandon you
but we will weep and mourn at your cross
knowing our many flaws, the many times we have turned away from you
the many times we have to love you, to love others, to love ourselves
was the reason you will be on that cross
so we can know nothing, nothing in all creation, can separate us from your love
a love which is beyond all human understanding
a love which set us free from all our sins, all our wrongdoings, all the ways we’ve turned from you, Lord God and sets us free to follow our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, who taught us to pray together saying: