Living Lord
You came to the disciples in the midst of the wind and waves and calmed their fears
we thank you that, when we seem far from shore, and the waters buffet our boats
you come to us, speak reassurance to us and calm our fears
Calming Christ
you say to us “Come”
and we are eager to come to you
but as we step out from our boats, we being to sink as we become distracted by the waves of self-doubt which seek to overwhelm us
we thank you for reaching out to us, pulling us from that which would drown us and setting us once again in the place of safety
Grant us the courage to set aside our doubts, our fears that, as we step out of the boats which restrict us
we can be the people who boldly proclaim our faith in Jesus Christ as Lord
proclaim it in our words
proclaim it in our actions
that all may experience the rich blessings of knowing the love of God
Holy Spirit
excite and inspire us to step out of our boats, the places of familiarity and comfort
that we can go when Jesus says “come”
to go to the places where there is despair and bring hope
to go to the people who are drowning and pull them from that which would consume them
to go to the places where there people have a little faith and support them to grow to love the Lord more
Peace giving God
you calmed the waters when you entered the disciples’ boat
calm the turmoil in our world
particularly this week, we pray for the situation in North Korea
bring calm, bring peace, bring mercy
that all who call in the name of the Lord may be saved