Lord God
We wish to worship and adore you
we wish to come before you this glorious day
in reverence and fear
bowing at the throne of the one who was crowned with thorns
in our weakness and humility
knowing as we look up
to that head which was so adorned
we see love
love in the eyes of the one who came for our salvation
love in the eyes who came for the redemption of the world
love in the eyes of the one who came to restore all God’s people to a right relationship with God and with one another
what love is this, that we can know it?
What love is this, which comes to us in
our weakness,
our brokenness,
our fragility
and shows us how he too came in weakness for us and for all of creation.
Lord God
we wish to worship and adore you
for all you have done for us
for all you have done for the world
but there are things which hold us back from full devotion
we don’t think we have anything we can give to our Lord
we focus on what we can no longer do
we worry about things which we cannot change
we sense our inadequacy and loss
Christ Jesus
forgive us
forgive us for all the ways we have failed to trust in your never ending goodness
forgive us for not offering all we can to the one who accepts us as we are
God’s beloved children
Jesus Christ, the Risen one