Today is a day the Lord has made
we rejoice in it
we rejoice, for a new day
a new dawn
a new life
this triumphant Holy Day
Easter has arrived
the stone has been rolled away
the tomb is empty
for Christ is risen
he is risen indeed
it is amazing we can celebrate the destruction of the shroud which enfolds all people
death has been swallowed up by God the Father
through the resurrection of God the Son
let us rejoice in this salvation
let us worship in spirit and in truth
through our prayers
and by reflecting again on the Easter story
for Christ has risen
he has risen indeed
Risen One
imbue us with your love, through the Spirit, we pray
fill our hearts with joy and gladness this day
joy and gladness that in your death and resurrection
we are freed
from sin and death
if we truly believe and confess
so we now pause
to confess before you our sins
our failure to testify you, Christ Jesus, as judge and Lord of all creation
our failure to care for others as ourselves
our failure to be good stewards of your creation
in our own failings
and in common with others
this Easter day
may we look to the empty cross
which proclaims to the world
that sins are forgiven through the love of God the Father revealed through God the Son
and know we are forgiven
for Christ has risen
he has risen indeed