Heavenly beings
cherubim and seraphim
angels and saints
Give glory to God
whose name is wondrous, marvellous, everlasting
worship God in the splendour of holiness
bow down and honour all God is and has done
ascribe to the Lord
peoples of the earth
near and far
saints and sinners
ascribe to God praise
for the God’s voice carried over the waters
the spirit of the Lord
was on the waves
at the dawn of creation
with the voice of God
by whose Word
God’s power and might and love
made all which was and is and is to come
all seen and unseen
in heaven and on earth
ascribe to the Lord you heavenly beings
ascribe to the Lord you peoples of the earth
for God the Father,
God the Son,
God the Spirit
blesses the people with peace
and sits enthroned as King forever and ever
world without end
this is the King we come to bring our adoration before today
the King who
calls God’s people righteous
taking hold of our hand
making an everlasting covenant
revealed through Christ Jesus
releasing us from the dungeon of sin
and bringing us into God’s glorious light
through the forgiveness we have received
and continue to receive
where we truly confess and repent
may we know, once more today
we walk in God’s love
to be the people of the light for all the nations