What can we say to come before you, Lord?
What can we do to approach your throne, our God?
Your mercy seat which is set above creation, outwith space and time, where angels and archangels, seraphim and cherubim wing in the air, glorifying your holy, wondrous name, a name above all names with their never ending songs of praise.
How can we approach the King of the universe, except through blending our voices, our very beings, with the heavenly creatures, in worship and praise?
So here we gather together, drawn here from different places, background, for different reasons, offering what we have in prayer, in meditation on your Word, in silence on praise and adoration.
May our worship together be holy and acceptable in your sight, our Maker, Redeemer, Friend.
What can we say to come before you, Lord?
What can we do to approach your throne, our God?
We, who have unclean lips, as we speak without thinking. We criticise rather than praise
We, who look to what others are doing in your name, and turn away from what we should be doing for you
We, who when we struggle with adversity fail to come to you in prayer.
We, when we are filled with gladness, fail to sing psalms of praise to you.
There is so much we do and say and think and are which is not acceptable in your sight, Lord God.
Yet in your mercy you washed away these and the plethora of ways in which we fail to live up to the goodness in which you created us, through your Son, Jesus Christ our Lord
whose name we bless and honour and in whose name we pray together saying: