Approach and confession prayer 23 June 2019


our God


Lord of the Universe

words matter to you, don’t they?

From words night was separated from day

water from land

all plants and animals

all that crawls on in the earth

all that soars above

here, because you uttered the Word



our God


Lord of the Universe

words matter to you, don’t they?

Scribes through centuries wrote poems and songs, love stories and epic adventures about you and inspired by you

we call it the bible

which we read and hear each week

which inspires us, challenges us, speaks to us

as you call to us to follow your ways



our God


Lord of the Universe

words matter to you, don’t they?

In your infinite love for the world, you sent your son

Jesus Christ, the Word of God incarnate

to be with us

to heal us

to teach us

to love us



our God


Lord of the Universe

words matter to you, don’t they?

The words we say

forgive us when they cause harm

the words we don’t say

forgive our regrets

the words not followed through by actions

forgive our inactivity



our God


Lord of the Universe

words matter to you, don’t they?

Enter this place

in the words and in the silence

be with us

care for us

inspire us

teach us words matter and to use them well
