From the shadow of death
The Lord God lifted the people
lifted and redeemed us
through Christ the Lord
this, this the good news
the good news
we give thanks and praise to God for
in gratitude, we bow
our hearts filled with wonder and awe
our souls filled with the spirit
our lives filled with the knowledge of the Lord
as the ones who know Christ as Lord
as friend
and long to follow him
every day of our lives
praise and gratitude we offer that we have this faith
and calling in our lives
praise and gratitude we offer that we know a great light has dawned
and the depths of death hold no power over us
through the wonder of God’s love
in the knowledge of this love
we pray for others and the world
those who watch and wait at bedsides of loved ones in the shadow of death
hospice staff who support end of life care
funeral directors, who deal with the dead and bereaved on a daily basis
may the light of God shine in the darkest of places
we pray for families in conflict
for those seeking sanctuary from abuse
for those who spiral into addiction, to escape their pain
may the light of God shine in the darkest of places
we pray for those who work for justice, tirelessly campaigning for the refugee, the homeless, the most vulnerable in society
may the light of God shine in the darkest of places
this week, in the week of prayer for Christian unity
we pray the church may be one
united in it’s purpose to proclaim the good news
to the end of the earth
may the light of God shine in the darkest of places
we pray for the people of New Zealand, as their Prime Minister steps down
may her tank be refilled and may their new Prime Minister lead with grace and compassion
we pray for our own political leaders
that they would set aside their own desires, for the good of society, especially those on the margins
we pray for those who are demonised in the news
and in debates
may the light of God shine in the darkest of places
we pray for ourselves
that where there is darkness, we may bring light
through following Christ our Lord
now and always