Thanksgiving and intercession prayer 15 January 2023

For all those who have pointed to Jesus

we offer our thanks

parents, who took us to church

those whose actions and lives were so filled with God’s grace, we couldn’t help but see they were pointing to Jesus

military chaplains who go where their service personnel go

aid agencies such as Christian Aid and Tearfund, who bring care, compassion, practical assistance to those in desperate need, no matter their faith

and all those, in a long line of saints, who by their lives, words and actions

pointed those who have gone before us in faith

to the Lamb of God

we thank you for John, in preparing the Way

and pointing away from himself to Jesus

assist us to do likewise

we thank you for the 2 disciples who were first to follow Jesus

we thank you for Andrew, who lead Simon to Jesus

we thank you for all those who lead others to Jesus

assist us to do likewise

alongside our thanks, for all God has done

we bring our prayer for others and the world

for workers to receive fair pay

for researchers who advance human knowledge

for the lonely and isolated

for the wealthy

for the poor

for the ill and the dying

Lord, in your mercy

hear our prayer

We pray for the church

in this place, as change and insecurity are all around

in our neighbouring parishes, who face these challenges too

in other denominations across the land

and the growing church across the globe

may the spirit descend on all who would follow Christ

to point towards him

the Lamb of God

Oh, Lamb of God

take away the sin of the world

we pray

and hear our prayers, which we continue in a few moments of silence, to bring before you

people, places and situations which are in our hearts and on our minds today


Lord God

we offer these prayers, spoken and written on our hearts

to the one who we trust and know

answers them all
