Opening prayer 6 April 2017

Lord God

King and mighty Saviour

We come, to bow before your blessed throne

in worship and praise this day

Knowing, you are God alone

it was you who shaped the valleys and hills

it was you who created the starling and the tulip

it was you who breathed life into humanity

what can we say in response to you, Heavenly Father

what can we do in assent of you, King Jesus

what can we be in acknowledgement of you, Holy Spirit

There seems nothing, for all we have, all we are in from you

Yet we come prostrate at your feet

realising there is nothing in our lives, nothing at all which is more important that offering our limited, flawed selves to you, Lord God

Praying you will accept our prayers, our songs, our meditation on your word as they are given

in humble and loving obedience to your will

may our devotion in this time together, blend with the hearts and minds and voices of your whole church, in earth and in heaven

in a never ending song of praise

for it is for you that all glory and honour and power belong

Loving Lord

We are aware we have failed you in thought, word and deed. In many ways, we are not worthy to come to your throne.

As we ask for your forgiveness, for all the sins we have committed, we realise you come to us

lift us up and embrace us

as those who are forgiven, by, in and through Jesus Christ our Lord
