Approach and confession prayer 10 January 2021

The Word of the Lord is powerful

forming mighty galaxies and Higgs Boson

the infinite to the finite

the so massive, we cannot comprehend its scale

the so small, they are almost impossible to detect

This is the power of the Word of God

who came, incarnate into the world

as Christ Jesus

in whom we gather

by whom we know salvation

through whom we pray

through baptism, we are joined one to another

the baptised of all times and nations

baptised by water, and the Holy Spirit

Holy Spirit

inspire us by your power this day

grant us new insight into the mystery of our baptism

imbue our worship with your presence

that it may be a true and worthy sacrifice of praise today

Praise worthy God

Father, Son and Spirit

accept the praise we offer

as we recall our baptism

cleanse us anew

of all our sins, doubts and fears

remove the bitterness and angry which we carry

wipe the slate clean of our iniquity

that we, filled by the Spirit

may rise this day

and tell others of Jesus

Christ Jesus

all this we pray through your holy, blessed name

and to you be all praise and glory

now and always
