Good and upright is the Lord
the Lord of Hosts to me
even when the world is shaking
when flood and storm
when disease and pestilence come
the steadfast love of God lasts forever
who are we to receive this blessing?
For we came from dust and to dust we will return
we who are but the blink of an eye
but God knows each breath
is with us
wherever we may be
praise God for God’s loving faithfulness
towards us
as we strive to follow God’s ways
Covenant making One
with gratefulness and humility we honour who you are
offerer of rainbows as signs of hope
and promises kept
used as a sign of hope and thank to our NHS
and offered light in the darkness
praise God for this blessing to us
an eternal blessing the people of the world turn to time and time again
Immortal God
only wise
in your wisdom
you offer us space to reflect
to pause
to wonder how to live differently, better,
to follow Christ more fully
we praise and thank you for this chance
this Lent
may it be a time to seek the good of others
to support our communities in ways we haven’t before
for personal care and Christian growth
to wonder and wander around the awesomeness of creation
teach us to cherish it as you do
Encouraging Spirit
may love be our token
may love of God be our reason
may love of Christ be our motivation
may all creation dance and sing once more
may children play without care or concern
may young people party and laugh with friends once more
may housebound people receive visitors to their homes again
may we hold ourselves to a higher standard than the world, to help bring healing, wholeness, love
to be the sign of hope our communities and world needs
through Christ Jesus we pray