Lord God
you are our righteousness, our power, our strength
nothing, nothing we long to do will be accomplished without you with us
guiding us, empowering us, calling us forth in your name
through the one who is our Lord and Saviour
Jesus Christ
the Holy One
the one whose name is above all names
the one in whose name we gather
to bring praises and adoration
the one to whom we wish to submit our lives
in order we may find healing, wholeness, life
for Christ Jesus is the author of life
in and through him all creation was made
in and through him all creation was redeemed
in and through him all creation can know the power of the mercy of the love of God
which knows no limits
and to which we humbly submit
for what is our worship without trust in God?
for what is our praise without love of Jesus?
for what is our devotion without hearts filled with the joy of the Holy Spirit?
Lord God
in you and you alone we long to be at peace
in you and you alone may we find security
in you and you alone we find our true selves
the people we were created to be
your beloved children
who long walk and jump and laugh and sing in adoration to our King
King Jesus
by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit
may our sacrifice of praise be fitting and worthy
may we cast aside all which gets in the way of abundant living
fear of future
clinging to the past
judging others for their situations
believing it is our lack of faith which prevents our healing
In our minds, we know we are forgiven for these and the many ways we have failed you, Christ Jesus, and failed others
but we still need reminded again and again
that in and through the great mercy and righteousness of God in Jesus Christ the author of life
we are forgiven
so we may dance with joy before the Lord
in our praise this day