Thanksgiving and intercession prayer 2 July 2023

The journey of faith is life long, Lord God

as we ever learn more and more of your love and mercy

as we ever more learn to trust your plans for us

as we ever more learn to answer “here I am,” when you call to us

we thank you for walking close beside us

guiding us

supporting us

listening to our prayers

our conversation with our living God and Lord

in worship today

and throughout the course of our days

it is on your, and your promise fulfilled in Christ Jesus our hope rests

Hope bringing One

we sing praise to you

remember us

and you reveal your face to us

through Jesus the Son

whose obedience

even to death

is our salvation

assist us to toil in faith as those who share his death

and also share his live

through the blessing of our baptism of faith

In faith

we persevere to the goal of obedience in the call of Christ

to love God with all we are

and love neighbour as ourselves

in response to this call

we bring our prayers for our neighbours

those sitting beside us in this place

those who we share our homes with

those who live in the same streets and communities as us

those who chose to make this country their home

those who flee our communities through fear they cannot be their true selves

and there are our global neighbours

whom you call on us to care for too

those on the South Sudan border, taking in refugees fleeing the Sudanese war

those in Pakistan still dealing with the devastating affects of flooding last year

send your Holy Spirit as guide and comfort

to all these people and places, Lord God

and to those of all faiths and none

who are neighbours across the globe

All this we pray in Jesus’ precious name

and to him be honour and glory now and always
