Approach and confession prayer 16 April 2023


you are our all in all

our shelter, our high tower

our food and drink

our night and day

all we have

all we have yet to be

is yours

in you we rest secure

body, mind, spirit

for you reveal to us the path of life

fill us with joy

as we enter your presence

and receive the eternal promises from your right hand


we come to praise God’s Holy name

offering our song, our prayers, our whole selves

as a living, holy sacrifice

may our worship today

be acceptable in your sight, our God and King

wafting up to heaven, blending with angels and saints in a never ending hymn of praise

across the realms of your kingdom

Kingdom Christ

break into our lives today

come, unexpectedly

speaking peace to us

take away our fear

our doubt

our sin

all which gets in the way of us truly believing

and following your Way

as Jesus spoke peace to his disciples

he speaks peace to you

receive that peace

receive the forgiveness it brings

receive it

anew today
